Design solutions
All digital product files on this page are provided as conceptual designs and were developed by volunteers through a TOM Melbourne event or program and subject to intellectual property rights. If you have a challenge you would like to submit or any questions about our designs, please email us at: info@tommelbourne.com !
Number of solutions found:
Communication Device Cover
4. Prototype
Weather-resistant AAC device protector for outside use.
Communication Template
4. Prototype
An editable profile that can be used to inform support workers about personal needs and preferences.
Mosaic Glass Cutter
4. Prototype
A pedal-operated mosaic glass cutter for someone with limited dexterity in one hand.
Magnetic Cooking Board
4. Prototype
Magnetic base to stabilise a mixing bowl for individuals who may have trouble holding a bowl steady themselves.
Wet Area Extension
4. Prototype
Foldout tray which fits over a cupboard door and creates an accessible dishwashing space for people in a wheelchair who do not have a roll-under sink.
Vision Loss Makeup Mirror
4. Prototype
Adjustable makeup mirror to enable individuals with vision loss on one side of their face to apply makeup more easily.
Communication Book Stand
4. Prototype
A 3-part solution supporting the independent use of an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device.
Ampathy Stick
4. Prototype
Pick up stick to allow a quadruple amputee to pick up items that may otherwise be out of reach.
Customised Crutch Grip
4. Prototype
A modified grip for regular crutches to enable a quadruple amputee to better use crutches.
Sensory Play Pods
4. Prototype
Modular play pods which can be customised to individual sensory and developmental needs that allow sisters to play safely and independently.
Magnetic Bracelet
4. Prototype
A magnetic bracelet that greatly reduces the effects of a hand tremor while writing.
Wheelchair Wheel Cleaner 2.0
3. Working Model
Non-motorized wheel cleaner for manual and power wheelchairs.
Communication Arm Rest
3. Working Model
Custom armrest to facilitate communication overnight.
Bounce - Independent Play
3. Working Model
A play frame with a bungee system to allow users with limited mobility to bounce and experience independent and active play
Kneeling Support Stool
3. Working Model
A kneeling stool designed to help maintain good posture and alleviate discomfort
Screw-on Earring Aid
3. Working Model
An aid to help a person with reduced fine motor skills put on screw-type earrings.
Blind and Low Vision Inclusion Toolkit
3. Working Model
A solution to raise awareness of how to increase accessibility for Blind students.
Pool Cue Stand and Stabiliser
3. Working Model
Wheelchair-attachable pool cue stand and stabiliser.
Wheelchair Camera Mount
3. Working Model
Modular camera mounting system for a standard wheelchair to enable hands-free positioning of a photography camera.
Wheelchair Reversing Camera
3. Working Model
Simple wheelchair reversing camera synced to the individual's mobile device for wheelchair users to see behind them while reversing.
Custom Exercise Device
3. Working Model
A custom exercise apparatus developed for an individual living with the effects of Thalidomide.
Wheelchair Tray
3. Working Model
A custom wheelchair tray and storage unit that can be deployed using one hand.
Quad Amputee Dog Lead
3. Working Model
A system that enables a quadruple amputee to independently and safely take their dog for a walk.
Independent toothbrush
3. Working Model
A device that enables an individual with poor motor control to easily and independently brush their teeth.
Shoe Applicator
3. Working Model
A device that enables an individual with poor motor control of their hands to hold their shoe open so that they can easily slide a shoe on.
Multifunctional Grabber
3. Working Model
A customised grabber that enables an individual to more easily and independently pick up various objects and reposition their legs as needed.
Accessible Shoelaces
3. Working Model
A system that enables an individual with poor motor control of their hands to easily and independently tie their shoelaces.
Daily Schedule App
3. Working Model
An iPad app that displays a user’s daily schedule using audio and visual aids, which can easily be edited by members of their support network.
Wheelchair Bag System
3. Working Model
An automated system that brings bags held behind a wheelchair around to the side for easy access.
Automatic Mask Release
3. Working Model
3D-printed release latches incorporated into a ventilator mask to reduce the risk of aspiration.
Portable Wheelchair Ramps
3. Working Model
Portable and lightweight wheelchair ramps that can be rapidly deployed to mount a curb.
Camera Harness
3. Working Model
A system that enables an individual using crutches to stably film while on the go.
Wheelchair Bowling Device
3. Working Model
A device that enables a wheelchair user to go indoor bowling and release a bowling ball from their wheelchair.
Wheelchair Wheel Cleaner
3. Working Model
A device that automatically cleans the wheels of a wheelchair, similar to an automatic car wash.
Compression Stocking Donning Aid
3. Working Model
A device that enables an individual to easily apply their compression stockings independently.
Accessible Backpack
3. Working Model
A modified sling bag that enables an individual with low vision to easily access and identify different compartments of the bag.
Seat Crutches 2.0
3. Working Model
Crutches that transform into a seat to provide respite for an individual after standing for long periods.
Universal Bottle Pourer
3. Working Model
A device that with the push of a button, replicates the action of pouring a liquid into a glass.
Liquid Level Measure
3. Working Model
A device that reads out the level of liquid in a pot to help an individual with low vision cook more independently.
One Arm Towel Drying
3. Working Model
A simple 3D-printed claw that enables an individual with limited mobility on one side of their body to use a towel independently.
Modular Gaming Controller
3. Working Model
A modified PlayStation or Xbox controller that can be used on any wheelchair tray.
Grocery Shopping Guide
2. Concept
Visual tool for navigating and communicating while at the grocery store.
One-Handed Oven Tray
2. Concept
A modified baking dish for someone with reduced dexterity in one hand.
Adjustable Guide Dog Harness
2. Concept
An adjustable guide dog harness that changes with different height shoes.
Modular Glasses Arms
2. Concept
Printable glasses attachment to allow an individual to exchange between standard arms, customised arms or head straps.
Improved Pillow for Neck Pain
2. Concept
Sleeping supports for individuals who need to maintain a neutral head position.
Standing Shower Support
2. Concept
Adjustable shower frame with backrest for individuals who require support to be able to stand in the shower independently.
Hand Protector
2. Concept
Custom elbow brace and mittens that limits hand-to-mouth contact whilst allowing freedom of movement.
Pants Dressing Aid
2. Concept
Devices to assist individuals who have difficulty pulling their pants up when changing.
Eating Independently
2. Concept
A 3D-printed robotic feeding mechanism that allows an individual to eat independently.
Pool Aid
2. Concept
A modular and flexible system that enables an individual to participate in hydrotherapy without the assistance of multiple therapists.
CPAP Mask Applicator
2. Concept
A system that enables the application of a CPAP mask independently.
LED Light Indicator
2. Concept
A device that allows an individual with low vision to identify the colour and frequency of a LED light.
Wheelchair Warmer and Waterproof Cover
2. Concept
A heated blanket and seat warmer that connects to a USB input on a wheelchair console.
Filming on Crutches
2. Concept
A camera mount that can be used while walking with crutches that enables stable filming.
Golf Club Grip
2. Concept
A modified glove that enables an individual with poor motor function of their hand to grip a golf club.
Augmented Reality Exercise App
2. Concept
An AR (augmented reality) app that connects with a Fitbit to incentivise exercise.
Art Grip
2. Concept
A simple grip device that enables an individual with poor motor control to grip a paint brush or pencil.
Independent Fishing
2. Concept
An automated fishing system that can be activated through a head pointer.
Tiger Eyes
2. Concept
A modified iPad home screen and large tactile buttons to allow independent internet access.
Laptop Button Switch
2. Concept
An automatic switch mechanism that enables an individual to independently turn a laptop on or off.
Seat Crutches
2. Concept
A pair of crutches that can rapidly transform into a seat to give respite to individuals using crutches.
Independent Dressing
2. Concept
A device that allows an individual to dress themselves independently.
Night Assist
1. Challenge
A system that allows an individual to signal for care during the night without needing to move.
Pressure Sensing Wheelchair Mat
1. Challenge
A pressure sensing mat for use with wheelchair cushions to detect changes in posture.