Anna would like to create an adjustable handle for her guide dog harness so that she can easily alter its length. Changes in the harness tension impact the feedback Anna’s dog receives while guiding her through the environment. When Anna wears heels or platforms, the increased tension in the fixed-length harness changes her dog’s movement and creates a safety risk.
Across a Makeathon, Developer Group, and TOM @ University program, Anna worked with teams of Makers to create several versions of the Adjustable Guide Dog Harness. The designs all utilise different mechanisms to adjust the harness length depending on the individual's height, stance, or dog size. The pictured designs both utilise telescopic handles similar to a suitcase and were developed through the following programs:
– Designed by Zichen Yang through the 2023 TOM @ University program (green and orange)
– Designed at the 2017 TOM Makeathon (silver and blue; Digital Product File available for download below)

Safety Information
To download a digital product file containing open source instructions on how to build the design solution, read and agree to the terms and conditions below.
All digital product files on this page are provided as conceptual designs and were developed by volunteers through a TOM: Melbourne event or program.
The design file is provided in the interest of sharing ideas and promoting collaboration. The design as described in the document(s) has not been tested or assessed for safety. Please do not attempt to use any device built using these instructions without first seeking appropriate professional advice on the safety and suitability of the device for your personal situation.
TOM: Melbourne are unable to advise on the suitability of any design or device for your personal situation, however if you have general questions relating to the instructions or documentation, please contact us via our email: