Tony is a power wheelchair user who has a passion for playing pool (billiards). As a wheelchair user, the need to approach a pool table side-on results in reduced accuracy and power with the pool cue. Tony would like to develop some of his ideas for a pool cue stabiliser to improve his performance while playing.
Tony and his team worked together to develop a pool cue stand and stabiliser which attaches to the arm rest of his wheelchair. Both its height and distance from the table can be adjusted for accuracy. The pool cue stabiliser is also spring-loaded to increase Tony’s power. The device is a simple mechanical solution made from off-the-shelf components.

Safety Information
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All digital product files on this page are provided as conceptual designs and were developed by volunteers through a TOM: Melbourne event or program.
The design file is provided in the interest of sharing ideas and promoting collaboration. The design as described in the document(s) has not been tested or assessed for safety. Please do not attempt to use any device built using these instructions without first seeking appropriate professional advice on the safety and suitability of the device for your personal situation.
TOM: Melbourne are unable to advise on the suitability of any design or device for your personal situation, however if you have general questions relating to the instructions or documentation, please contact us via our email:
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